It's my turn! During our week long challenge I've featured workout by Get fit naturally, My think fit, and Real Woman Fitness. I've enjoyed all of them! Now It's my turn! *insert slow proud clap here* I have some excting news! My sis in fitness allowed me (and I'm so honored) to write a guest post on her blog. It's about changing your thinking about getting fit {click here} to check it out. Let me know how you liked it, or didn't like it. =)
I created this workout for the booty! My most favorite muscle in my body. I am booty challenged so I have an obsession with doing butt exercises. (have you noticed?) After the video's on how to do the exercises, I will include one of my favorite vegetarian meals. Yum! Enjoy!
I created this workout for the booty! My most favorite muscle in my body. I am booty challenged so I have an obsession with doing butt exercises. (have you noticed?) After the video's on how to do the exercises, I will include one of my favorite vegetarian meals. Yum! Enjoy!
Let's get into it! Warm up by walking in place, then after 30 seconds pick up the pace until you are gradually doing an "in place jog" Get that heart rate up, and get your body nice and warm. This one is a killer, take breaks when needed! ;) No pressure to complete all the suggested reps, go with your fitness level. Beginner: 10 reps per leg/per exercise Intermediate: 15 reps per leg/per exercise Advanced: 25 or more per leg/per exercise
25 squat Jacks
25 Super Skater (per leg)
Spider planks 25 per leg
Donkey Kicks 25 per leg (with a weight, or not)
Plie' Squats 25 reps
Reverse Lunge kickups 25 per leg
Repeat 2 more times