Monday, September 24, 2012

The Wipe Out

Hi guys!  Here's a brand spankin' new workout from yours truly! This workout it super intense - and super quick.  It's an a full body workout, but you'll really feel the intensity in your legs and glutes.
All you'll need is a HIIT timer, some hand weights (optional), exercise mat, and some good sneakers.

If you don't have a HIIT timer there is a free app for android and i-phones called HIIT TIMER  (go figure) If you don't have hand weights you can use can goods or water bottles. If you don't have an exercise mat use a rolled up towel.  Be creative and get it done.  Once you've completed this workout give me feedback. I love hearing from you, good or bad let me know!  Let's get to it!
The Workout:
Do this workout in circuit format ( meaning one exercise after another) Do this circuit for 2-4 rounds depending on your fitness level. You will be doing each exercise for 1 minute followed by a 30 second rest. Set your HIIT timer for 1 minute work - 30 seconds rest for 4 rounds. Rest 2 minutes between each circuit.
  • Competition Burpee's  1 minute / Rest 30 seconds
  • Mountain Climber Burpee 1 minute /Rest 30 seconds
  • Surrenders 1 minute/ Rest 30 seconds
  • Squat Touch Downs

How to videos:
competition burpees                                                                                                               

Mountain Climber Burpee

Squat Touch Downs

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